About This Blog

“I don’t consider myself a writer.

Writing has always been my least confident skill and the weakest part of my academic profile. I’ve always been able to recognize good writing: I think most people can. But recognizing talent has never been the issue. The issue is, unless I succumb to plagiarism, I can never recreate good writing, not even a crude imitation. Everything I write feels stiff and awkward. This, accompanied by my excruciatingly slow writing speed, makes writing even a couple of paragraphs a frustratingly sluggish ordeal.

The irony is that I do genuinely enjoy it. I think it’s the most efficient form expression. I recognize the potential of writing, but whenever I attempt it, it feels like I’m attempting to paint the Sistine Chapel with a 6-piece chalk set: I simply don’t have the toolset.

Because writing is so difficult for me, the only way to fix it is to write and read every week for the entire year. “

That was the original goal I wrote to myself in January of 2019: read a book a week and write a reflection on it. Although I didn’t succeed (I read close to 30 books that year, and I wrote even less than that) it was a very important starting point for the blog. I still write on books that I read, though it’s not as structured. This is simply my place to unload all the thoughts that are floating around my head.